Look up!

Look up! (James Smith, A New Year’s Motto” 1865)  Play Audio!  Download Audio“Look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!” Luke 21:28 We are entering upon a new year, we shall have . . .  new toils,   new trials,   new temptations,   new troubles. In whatever state, in


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The object of God’s tender, perfect and ceaseless care!

The object of God’s tender, perfect and ceaseless care! (James Smith, “Divine Care!” 1865)  Play Audio!  Download Audio “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you!” 1 Peter 5:7 Our cares must be cast upon our God, or they will prove a burden too heavy for us–they will depress, bewilder, and make


The object of God’s tender, perfect and ceaseless care! Read More »

The Rest!

The Rest! (James Smith, “The Rest!” 1865) Play Audio!  Download Audio “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9 We shall consider these words as referring to HEAVENLY rest:  our Father’s house,   our Savior’s home, and   our eternal dwelling-place! To the weary and way-worn, there is something delightful in


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