Infected with a most dreadful, fearful, soul-killing disease!

Infected with a most dreadful, fearful, soul-killing disease! (James Smith, “God’s Remedy for Man’s Malady” 1849) WATCH video  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, no spot is uninjured, but only wounds and bruises and putrefying sores! They have not been cleansed or bandaged or


Infected with a most dreadful, fearful, soul-killing disease! Read More »

He was infinitely happy and glorious without us!

He was infinitely happy and glorious without us! He was infinitely happy and glorious without us! (James Smith, “The Pastor's Morning Visit”)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Christ, who loved us!” Romans 8:37 No condition can possibly be more dreary, than to feel that no one lovesor caresfor us! There is something peculiarly sweet and


He was infinitely happy and glorious without us! Read More »

He restores the fainting, the dying and the dead!

He restores the fainting, the dying and the dead! (James Smith, “The Pastor’s Morning Visit”)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “I will restore health unto you!” Jeremiah 30:17 Jesus is a skillful Physician. He heals all the falls, bruises, and dislocations of His people. He brings health to the heart! Believer, is your heart .


He restores the fainting, the dying and the dead! Read More »