God’s jewelry!

God’s jewelry! (Octavius Winslow)  LISTEN to audio! Download audio (You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.)  Those bright constellations–Christ created them. Those burning suns–Christ kindled them. Those snow wreathed alps, those cloud-capped mountains–Christ raised them. Those verdant valleys–Christ spread them. That blushing rose,   that graceful lily,   that

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The moment after our friends say we are dead

The moment after our friends say we are dead (J. R. Miller, “Glimpses of the Heavenly Life” 1908)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio (You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.) No earthly language is adequate to describe the blessedness, the joy, the happiness of Heaven! Perhaps no human word gathers and holds in


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How can we learn contentment?

How can we learn contentment? (J.R. Miller, “The Hidden Life” 1895)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio (You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.) “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” Philippians 4:11 How can we learn contentment? One step toward contentment, is patient submission to unavoidable ills and hardships. No earthly lot


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The transforming power of the Spirit!

The transforming power of the Spirit! (J.C. Ryle, “The Lord’s Garden“)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio (You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.) “To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints.” Romans 1:7 Believers are separated from the world by the effectual working of the Holy


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