A decent, flowery, down-hill way to eternal destruction!

A decent, flowery, down-hill way to eternal destruction! (John Angell James, “Christian Hope” 1859) LISTEN to audio! Download audio Christ is . . .  the supreme object of a true Christian’s love,  the chief source of his felicity,  the highest end of his life. The first object of a Christian’s desire, pursuit and expectation–is the […]


A decent, flowery, down-hill way to eternal destruction! Read More »

So much time thrown away on these elegant trifles!

So much time thrown away on these elegant trifles! (John Angell James, “Female Piety; The Young Woman's Guide through Life to Immortality“, Chapter 5. Christian Zeal) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Eph. 5:16 There are three things which, if lost, can never be recovered: time, the soul, and


So much time thrown away on these elegant trifles! Read More »


Holiness (John Angell James, “The True Christian” 1846) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “You ought to live holy and godly lives.” 2 Peter 3:11 Holiness is a very comprehensive word, and expresses a state of mind and conduct that includes many things. Holiness is the work of the Spirit in our sanctification. Holiness is the fruit


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Ready or not!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional: Essential to eminent usefulnessJohn Angell James, very insightful, 3 minutesPlay Audio!  Read text  Download AudioYou will find it helpful to READ the text–as you listen to the audio!    ~  ~  ~  ~ Ready or not! (John Fawcett, “The Important Journey from this World to the Next” 1774) This is a


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