Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a load of fears and cares?

N.B. We are still having technical problems with our bulk mailing program. Though I post the daily gems in the evenings, you may receive it many hours later. We again apologize about the inconvenience and beg your patience.    ~  ~  ~  ~ Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a


Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a load of fears and cares? Read More »

A wise, and most kind, as well as holy Providence

A wise, and most kind, as well as holy Providence (Thomas Guthrie, 1803-1873) “He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.” Colossians 1:17 God’s work of providence is “His most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing of all His creatures and all their actions.” Providence has no Sabbath. No night suspends


A wise, and most kind, as well as holy Providence Read More »

I had fallen into the company of a raving madman or of some driveling idiot

N.B. For some unknown reason our bulk mailing program did not work properly last night. Some did not receive the Grace Gem at all, while others received it once, twice or three times. We apologize about the inconvenience and beg your patience until we are able to resolve the issue.    ~  ~  ~  ~


I had fallen into the company of a raving madman or of some driveling idiot Read More »