Such a god should be derided, not worshiped!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional: Are we in reality, what we are in name? Samuel Davies, quite challengingPlay Audio!  Read text  Download AudioYou will find it helpful to READ the text–as you listen to the audio!    ~  ~  ~  ~ Such a god should be derided, not worshiped! (William S. Plumer, “Providence Asserted” 1856) “Our […]


Such a god should be derided, not worshiped! Read More »

Your conscience will not always sleep!

Your conscience will not always sleep!PLAY AUDIO!  Download Audio(Samuel Davies, “Divine Mercy to Mourning Penitents“) “They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.” Romans 2:15 The principal means which God uses in conversion, is that of


Your conscience will not always sleep! Read More »