Justice and mercy!

Justice and mercy!(Samuel Davies, “The Preaching of Christ Crucified, the Means of Salvation”) PLAY AUDIO!  Download Audio “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other!” Psalm 85:10 The salvation of sinners by the substitutionary death of Christ, gives the brightest display of the perfections of God; and particularly of those


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Your salvation makes amends for all His sufferings!

Your salvation makes amends for all His sufferings!PLAY AUDIO!  Download Audio (Samuel Davies, “The Sufferings of Christ, and Their Consequent Joys and Blessings“) “He shall see His seed! He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied!” Isaiah 53:10-11 Jesus is now exalted to His throne in the highest heavens; and


Your salvation makes amends for all His sufferings! Read More »

The world’s politics, pleasures, and pursuits!

The world’s politics, pleasures, and pursuits! Play Audio! Download Audio (James Smith, “The Wondrous Love of Christ, as Displayed in His Intercessory Prayer!” 1861) The world and the Church are essentially and eternally distinct–and they ought to be distinguishable. The Church ought not to mix with the world–but to bear a practical testimony against it, that


The world’s politics, pleasures, and pursuits! Read More »

Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption

Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption(Robert Traill) “But from Him you are in Christ Jesus, who for us became: wisdom from God,  as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30 Wisdom outside of Christ–is damning folly! Righteousness outside of Christ–is guilt and condemnation! Sanctification outside of Christ–is filth and sin! Redemption outside of Christ–is bondage and slavery! If


Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption Read More »

The thread of life is held by the divine hand alone!

The thread of life is held by the divine hand alone!PLAY AUDIO!  Download Audio (Samuel Davies, “A New Year’s Gift!” January 1, 1760) “Knowing the TIME, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep!” Romans 13:11 TIME, like an ever-running stream, is perpetually gliding on–and hurrying each of us into the boundless


The thread of life is held by the divine hand alone! Read More »