Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:
This is the ‘hell’ of Hell
Samuel Davies, powerful, 3 minutes
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Spit out the sweet morsels of sin!
(Thomas Brooks, “The Crown and Glory of Christianity, or, HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness“, 1662)
“When He comes, He will convict the world about sin.” John 16:8
A man never comes . . .
to see his sins,
nor to be sick of his sins,
nor to loathe his sins,
nor to arraign his sins,
nor to condemn his sins,
nor to judge himself for his sins–
until he comes to be possessed by the Holy Spirit.A man never comes . . .
to spit out the sweet morsels of sin,
to make a sacrifice of his only Isaac,
to hack his trembling Agag in pieces,
to strangle his Delilah,
and in good earnest to set upon an utter extirpation of his most cherished sins–until the Spirit of holiness comes upon him. Until the Holy Spirit falls upon the hearts of sinners, they will never be turned out of . . .
their pride,
their formality,
their carnality,
their sensuality,
their security.To make a man holy–is greater than to create a world! It can be done by none but by the Holy Spirit. It is the great work of the Spirit to shape and form holiness in all the vessels of glory.
The Spirit sweetly and strongly moves His people . . .
to mind holiness,
to fall in love with holiness,
to press after holiness,
to leave off their sins,
to turn to God,
to embrace Christ,
to tremble at threatenings,
to embrace promises.~ ~ ~ ~
If you desire additional reading, may we suggest James Smith’s practical short article, “The Word of God“.
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