That Heavenly Teacher
(J.C. Philpot, “Daily Words for Zion’s Wayfarers”)
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(You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.)We do not learn that we are sinners merely by reading it in the Bible. It must be wrought, I might say, burnt into us.
Nor will anyone sincerely and spiritually cry for mercy, until sin is spiritually felt and known . . .
in its misery,
in its dominion,
in its guilt,
in its entanglements,
in its wiles and allurements,
in its filth and pollution, and
in its condemnation.Where the Holy Spirit works, He kindles . . .
wrestlings, and
to know Christ, feel His love, taste the efficacy of His atoning blood, and embrace Him as all our salvation and all our desire.And though there may, and doubtless will be, much barrenness, hardness, deadness, and apparent carelessness often felt; still that heavenly Teacher will revive His work, though often by painful methods; nor will He let the quickened soul rest short of a personal and experimental enjoyment of Christ and His glorious salvation.
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N.B. If you are unable to attend your local church today, you may want to watch this challenging message by Paul Washer on 1 John 2:15-17, “Not of this world, part 1“
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