The Christian’s hope!

The Christian’s hope!

(James Smith, “Christ Exalted, Saints Comforted, and Sinners Directed” 1855)

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“The hope which is laid up for you in Heaven” Colossians 1:5

Many Christians have but little in hand, but they have much in hope.
They have little on earth, but they have unsearchable wealth in Heaven!
The present is the worst state they will ever be in. All beyond death is bright, blissful and glorious!

The Christian’s hope consists in both freedom and possession.

The Christian’s hope consists in freedom from . . .
  all the pains which we now experience, both in mind and body;
  all the hindrances which are so thickly strewed in our way in this evil world;
  all the fears which now beset, agitate, and harass us day by day;
  all the forebodings which often make our lives bitter and gloomy;
  all the sins which are now our plague, disease, and torment;
  all our needs, and all possibility of needing–for God will fully supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Oh, what a mercy it will be to enjoy such freedom, and to possess the inward consciousness that it will be enjoyed forever!

The Christian will not only be free from all that is painful and distressing, but he will also possess . . .
  perfect, settled, and everlasting peace;
  sinless faculties and immortal powers with which to serve and enjoy God forever;
  permanent, perpetual, and uninterrupted joy;
  the presence and enjoyment of Jesus, we shall see Him, be with Him, and be like Him;
  ALL that we can consistently wish or desire!

Our hope is laid up for us in Heaven. This betokens . . .
  its excellency–being kept in so excellent a place;
  its certainty and security–no thieves can break through to steal;
  its nature–it is spiritual, holy, Heavenly.

O glorious hope! O blessed prospect! It leaves us nothing to long for, nothing to desire!

What a mercy it is . . .
  when comforts run short,
  when trials press sorely,
  when a dreary winter of affliction sets in,
to remember that we have a priceless inheritance–an inheritance that is kept in heaven for us, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay!

How this blessed hope should . . .
  quicken our zeal,
  animate our spirits, and
  raise us above fear and despondency.

It is not what we have now–but what we shall have in Heaven which should affect us.

Our glorious inheritance is vast beyond calculation, it is safe beyond the possibility of failure!

The wilderness will soon be passed, the storms of life will soon subside–and eternal calm and unclouded sunshine, will soon be our happy, endless portion!

All glory to free grace!

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N.B. If you are unable to attend your local church today, you may want to watch another insightful Q&A session with John MacArthur.  Watch Video  Play Audio

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