The flame of vainglory!

The flame of vainglory!

(Thomas Reade, “Christian Meditations”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

“The LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart!” 1 Samuel 16:7

“On the outside you appear to people as righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness!” Matthew 23:28

It is comparatively easy to live in the form of godliness:
  to attend the service of the sanctuary,
  to pray in private and in the family,
  to read the Scriptures,
  to associate with religious people,
  to talk about religion, and
  to give alms to the poor.

These duties can be performed, yet the heart may not be right with God.

Experience affords abundant proof, that all this may be done . . . 
  from a principle of self righteousness;
  from a principle of vainglory;
  from a desire to be seen of men,
  and to obtain a name.

To ascertain my real character, I must look into the heart. Do I labor to perform these outward duties with a single eye to the favor and glory of God? 
The flame of vainglory, which is kindled by the pride of fallen nature–is fanned and increased by the suggestions of Satan, and kept alive by the praises of men.

Oh! how difficult it is to keep down this unhallowed fire! Even when we think it is quenched, it is still smoldering beneath the embers–ready to burst forth at the least blast of Satan’s temptations!

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