The hiding place!
(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”)
“A MAN will be as a hiding place from the wind,
And a refuge from the tempest,
As rivers of water in a dry place,
As the shade of a massive rock in an arid land!”
Isaiah 32:2The present world is like a bleak and cheerless desert; the climate is very changeable, and we are exposed to piercing, cutting winds.
Sometimes dangerous errors,
sometimes deep afflictions,
sometimes soul-distressing trials,
like violent winds, blow upon us and fill us with alarm and dread!
At such times, a hiding place is necessary.
Jesus is our hiding place!He will hide us from . . .
the wrath of God,
the rage of Hell, and
the injurious effects of trials and troubles!
Beloved, are you in this hiding place? If so, abide in it, for nowhere else will you find such safety, or enjoy such repose!
You can watch the VIDEO for the following song here: “The Hiding Place“.Hail, sovereign love which first began,
The scheme to rescue fallen man!
Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace,
Which gave my soul a hiding place!Against the God who rules the sky,
I fought with hand uplifted high!
Despised the notion of His grace,
Too proud to seek a hiding place!Enwrapt in thick Egyptian night,
And fond of darkness more than light!
Madly I ran the sinful race,
Secure without a hiding place!But thus the eternal counsel ran:
“Almighty love arrest that man!”
I felt the arrows of distress,
And found I had no hiding place!Indignant Justice stood in view;
To Sinai’s fiery mount I flew!
But Justice cried, with frowning face:
“This mountain is no hiding place!”E’er long, a heavenly voice I heard,
And Mercy’s angel soon appeared;
He led me on with gentle pace,
To Jesus as my hiding place!Should sevenfold storms of thunder roll,
And shake the earth from pole to pole;
No thunder bolt could daunt my face,
For Jesus is my hiding place!On Him almighty vengeance fell,
That would have sunk a world to Hell!
He bore it for the chosen race,
And thus became their hiding place!A few more rolling suns at most,
Shall land me on fair Canaan’s coast;
Where I shall sing the song of grace,
And see my glorious Hiding Place!~ ~ ~ ~
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