The more the Bible is studied!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

“Would it not be better for you to be a cat or dog?”
LISTEN to audio!  Read text  Download audio by Samuel Davies
You will find it helpful to READ the text–as you listen to the audio.

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The more the Bible is studied!

(Frederick Marsh)

My conviction is that the more the Bible is studied–the more there is found in it to be studied.
Fresh light, strength, joy, help, grace, and blessing–break out from it!

Scripture is like . . .
  the dawn–ever new in its light;
  the air–ever fresh in its vitality;
  spiritual food–ever nourishing to our soul;
  the flowers–ever beautiful in their variety.

Our God and Father in Christ, I thank You that You have given Your Holy Word for my instruction.
Enable me in the grace of the Holy Spirit . . .
  to love Your Word supremely,
  to believe it wholly,
  to live it out truly,
  to follow it earnestly,
  to rest on it contentedly,
  to follow it continually,
  to practice it consistently,
  to obey it unhesitatingly,
  to hear its voice attentively,
  to handle it reverently, and
  to enter into its spirit devotedly.
In His Name, who alone is worthy, I pray. Amen.

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If you are not attending a Sunday evening service tonight,
we encourage you to watch this insightful sermon:
God’s Unchanging Word!” by Steve Lawson
WATCH VIDEO  Play Audio!  Download Audio

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