Think of all the hard things there are in your life
(Susannah Spurgeon, “Words of Cheer and Comfort for Sick and Sorrowful Souls!” 1898)
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“Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You!” Jeremiah 32:17
“Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:26-27
Dear reader, your difficulties and trials may not be similar to those of “the weeping prophet”, but they are very real, and seemingly insurmountable to you; and it is a fact that, of yourself, you can neither overcome nor endure them. So I want to remind you that the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that what was true of His power in Jeremiah’s time, is as certainly true today; and that whatever present hardship may press upon you, or whatever burden may be weighing you down–you, yes, you may look up to Him with confident faith, and say, “There is nothing too hard for You!”
Oh, the blessed peace which such an assurance brings! I do not know what your particular sorrow or hardship may be, but I do know that, whatever its nature, cruel, or bitter, or hopeless–it is as “nothing” to Him! He is able to deliver you, as easily as you can call upon Him for support and help.
Now, dear friend, think of all the hard things there are in your life:
poor circumstances,
difficult duties,
grievous pains,
sore struggles,
bitter disappointments,
harsh words,
sinful thoughts,
a hard heart of your own,
a hard heart in others.
Gather all these, and many more together, and pile them one on another until you have one great mountain of afflictions; and your God still calmly asks the question: “Is there anything too hard for Me?”When our hearts are weary of life’s cares and crosses, when our courage flags because of our helplessness, and we cry out with the patriarch, “All these things are against me!”–then what a support and stronghold is the fact that our God has all power in heaven and on earth!
There is nothing too mightyfor Him to manage.
There is nothing too insignificantto escape His notice.Jeremiah’s faith . . .
sees no obstacles,
stumbles at no hindrances,
faints under no burden,
shrinks from no responsibilities,
because he realizes the sublime Omnipotence of God, and fortifies himself by calling to remembrance His “outstretched arm” in the creation of the heavens and the earth. Cannot wedo likewise?I took up a book in a leisure moment the other day, opened it carelessly, and this is what I read: “It is a scientifically proven fact, that this great globe on which we live, spins around on its axis at the rate of a thousand miles an hour, and propels through space in its orbit at a speed immensely greater!”
The thought of this, seemed almost to take away my breath! Was I calmly and constantly living in the swirl of such a stupendous miracle as this? Then surely I could say, “Ah, Lord God! There is nothing too hard for You! My little troubles and afflictions–how small they must be to You! Yet with what tender compassion do You stoop from guiding the worlds in their courses, to support and comfort the hearts of those who fear You!”
Never let us give up in despair, while we have such a God to trust in. If there is a great mountain of sorrow or difficulty in your way, dear friend–do not be cast down by the darkness of its shadow. Your God can either make a way for you through it; or He can guide you around it; or just as easily, He can carry you right over it! There is nothing too hard for Him! Expect Him to make the crooked things straight, and to bring the high things low. And while you keep humbly at His feet, He will work wondrously, and you shall see His salvation!
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