This is my Friend!
(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Morning Visit”) LISTEN to audio! Download audio
“You are My friends!” John 15:14What infinite condescension in Jesus, to call us sinful worms–His friends! But He not only calls us so, but treats us as such! And expects us as His friends, to do whatever He commands us.
Is Jesus your friend?
Then visit Him often; let Him hear your voice in prayer and praise.
Then trust Him confidently; let Him see evidence of your faith in your dependence.
Then walk with Him in love; let Him enjoy much of your company.
Then expect Him to be your Friend . . .
in sickness and health,
in poverty and plenty,
in life and in death!If Jesus is our Friend, we can never be destitute. If our father and mother forsake us, He will take us up and take us in.
We can never be miserable; He will receive us and be a wise and loving Father unto us.
We can never be neglected, for He will never fail us nor forsake us; but will do for us all that He has promised in His Word. He will . . .
defend us from foes,
visit us in sickness, and
cheer and support us in death!Precious Lord Jesus, You are my Friend . . .
in life,
in death,
at the judgment, and
before Your Father’s face forever!“Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, and this is my Friend!” Song of Songs 5:16
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