Thomas Watson’s choice quotes on SIN

Thomas Watson’s choice quotes on SIN

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There is more evil in a drop of sin–than in a sea of affliction!

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The natural heart is . . .
  the nursery of sin,
  the magazine where all the weapons of wickedness lie,
  full of antipathy against God,
  a lesser Hell!

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Morality is but nature refined–old Adam put in a better dress. The garnishing of man with moral excellencies, is but adorning a dead man with a garland of flowers!

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Civility is not grace, although it is a good wall against which to plant the vine of grace.

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If a wicked man seems to have peace at death–it is not from the knowledge of his happiness, but from the ignorance of his danger!

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God’s long forbearance in not punishing of sin, is not forgiveness! 
The longer God delays the blow–the heavier it falls when He strikes!

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The sinner may live in a calm–but he will die in a storm of wrath!

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Sin makes the soul 
red with guilt–and black with filth!

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The love of sin makes sin taste sweet–this sweetness beguiles the heart, and ruins the soul.

It is worse to love sin, than to commit it. The love of sin . . .
  hardens the heart,
  keeps the devil in possession, and
  freezes the soul in impenitence.

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View sin in the looking-glass of Christ’s sufferings!
The least sin cost His 

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Read the greatness of your sin in the greatness of the Savior’s sufferings, and in the depth of His wounds!

A treasury of ageless sovereign grace devotional writings!


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