To join in one person

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

What amusements are lawful to people who wish to live a holy life?
Robert Dale, practical and insightful
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To join in one person

(John Mestrezat, 1592-1657)

To join in one person . . .
  the Creator, with the creature;
  the Infinite, with the finite;
  the Eternal, with a being brought forth in time
–far surpasses all the wonders of creation!

It behooved our Lord Jesus Christ to be made to us everlasting life, by His death.
Though He is the source of life, yet He could not have given life to us without having first died.

What is there, O believers, that should disturb your joy and peace–since the blood of God is your ransom?

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If your church services are cancelled, we encourage you to watch this insightful video: “Questions & Answers #11, with John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, Douglas Wilson, and Robert Godfrey
WATCH VIDEO   Play Audio!  Download Audio

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