Turned into beasts, birds, stones, trees, or air!
(Thomas Brooks, “The Crown and Glory of Christianity, or, HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness“, 1662)
“Our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29
Chaff and stubble cannot stand before that God, who is a consuming fire. Oh, how will the ungodly tremble and quake when the whole frame of heaven and earth shall break in pieces, and be set in a flame about their ears! Oh . . .
what trouble of mind,
what horror and terror of conscience,
what weeping and wailing,
what crying and roaring,
what wringing of hands,
what tearing of hair, and
what gnashing of teeth,
will there be among the ungodly in this day–when they shall see their sins charged upon them on the one side–and divine justice terrifying them on the other side!When they shall look upward, and there see an angry God frowning upon them;
and look downward, and there see Hell gaping ready to receive them;
and look inward, and there find conscience accusing and gnawing of them!When they shall look on their right hand, and there behold the holy angels standing with so many flaming swords to keep them out of Heaven; and look on their left hand, and there behold the devil and his demons ready to drag them down to the lowest Hell! Oh, now how will they wish for the rocks to fall upon them, and the mountains to cover them! How will they wish that they had never been born; or that they might now be unborn! How will they now wish that their immortal souls were mortal; or that they might be turned into beasts, birds, stones, trees, or air–or anything rather than what they are!
Alas! what heart is able to conceive, or what tongue is able to express–the fear and dread, the horror and terror, the astonishment and amazement, which will fall upon all ungodly people in that day!
“For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9
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