We should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter!

We should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter! 

(Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio

“You are not grumbling against us, but against the Lord!” Exodus 16:8

It is a common thing to hear people, even those who bear the Christian name, speaking of luck, and fortune, and chance–just as if there were no God in Heaven; or as if there were things beyond God’s reach and control.

When afflictions are multiplied upon us, how commonly do we repine and murmur against God, instead of saying as we ought, “The cup which My Father has given to Me–shall I not drink it?”

Instead of questioning God, the habit of our minds under all circumstances, should be to maintain a humble trust in God’s goodness, and a meek submission to His will. We should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter! 

God brought the Israelites to Canaan by a very long and circuitous route; but we are told that “He led them by the  right way.” Just so, whatever trials we may meet with in this wilderness world, we have no right to question God’s sovereign disposal.

Perhaps it will be said that our complaints are not so much made against God, as against those who are the immediate instruments of our affliction. But the creature, whoever he may be–is only a “rod,” a “staff,” a “sword,” in Jehovah’s hands! Though God leaves men to the unrestrained operation of their own corrupt hearts, He overrules everything they do for the accomplishment of His sovereign will. Even the crucifixion of our blessed Lord was in accordance with God’s determinate counsel and will!

“This Man was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge.” Acts 2:23

“They did what Your power and will had decided beforehand should happen!” Acts 4:28

Moses, when the people murmured against him and Aaron, told them that their murmurings were in reality against God Himself! In like manner I must say: that murmuring of every kind, against whoever or whatever it is directed–is in fact, a reproving of God Himself, without whom not a sparrow falls to the ground, nor does so much as a hair fall from our heads.

The sovereignty of God in the disposal of His saving grace, is especially offensive to the proud heart of man. We arrogate to ourselves a right to dispense our favors to whomever we will; but we deny that right to God! God had said by the apostle Paul, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated!”

As to our judging of God’s ways, well might an ignorant fool sit in judgment on the works of the greatest statesman or philosopher.

Who among us would submit to have all his views and ways criticized by a child that has just learned to speak? Yet, that would be wise and commendable, in comparison with our presuming to sit in judgment upon God. When a candle can add to the light of the meridian sun–then may we hope to counsel God how best to govern His world, and how most effectually to advance His own glory.

When we question God’s sovereignty to do as He pleases in any manner, we are actually saying that:

     1. God is bound to consult me in whatever he does.

     2. I am competent to sit in judgment on God’s proceedings.

     3. I know better than God Himself does, what befits Him to do.

Who is puny man, to question that God from whom he derived his very existence, and who keeps him in existence with every breath he draws!





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