When she kisses you!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

It is true–I do love my sins, my lusts and pleasures!
John Bunyan, quite challenging
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When she kisses you!

(Francis Quarles, 1592-1644)

Do you think, my soul, to be made happy by the smiles of the world–or unhappy by her frowns?

When she fawns upon you, she deludes you.

When she kisses you, she betrays you.

Like Jael, she brings the milk in a lordly dish, and bears a hammer in her deadly hand.

Trust not her flattery, O my soul–nor let her malice move you.

Her music is your enchantment, and her sweetness is your snare!

She is the highway to eternal death!

“Worldliness is the most thronged road to everlasting ruin!” J.A. James

“The spirit of the world is eating out the very heart and life of true godliness!” George Everard

Refined worldliness is the present snare of the Church of God!” Horatius Bonar

“The world is a sea, where we are tossed upon the surging waves of sorrow, and often in danger of shipwreck! The world is a wilderness, full of fiery serpents!” Thomas Watson

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We have posted J.C. Ryle’s insightful sermon, “Worship
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You will find it helpful to READ the text–as you listen to the audio!
(N.B. The edited text will not exactly match the unedited audio.)

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