Who shall have the glory–the worm or Jesus?

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

The immensity of the Creator’s dominions!
By Rufus Wheelwright Clark, superb!
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Who shall have the glory–the worm or Jesus?

(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)

I received your letter, and think you overlook our ever adorable Jesus, in setting any value upon a poor, dirty worm such as myself.

If His grace raised this poor, dirty worm from a dunghill and set it upon a throne with His princes, who shall have the glory–the worm or Jesus? Shall any of His due praise be given to the worm? God forbid!

As vile and base as I am–yet He lets me approach Him and converse with Him freely.

He condescends to admit me into fellowship with Him; and He opens His treasures and says, “All these are yours. I bought them for you with the price of My blood, but I give them to you as a free gift!”

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We have just published Landell’s insightful 2 page article, “Death, a Sleep“.

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